Frequelty asked questions
Will you deliver?

All our rents will be delivered to your Condo or home at no additional cost.

What if I run out of energy?

It is our recommendation that you keep the battery at least 50% full so that it runs better, especially if you plan to drive up and down steep hills. Plugging the golf cart in overnight is the best way to ensure that the battery stays well charged throughout the day.

If you come across any troubles, call us at +506 2637-6308 and we will be able to assist you.

Where can I charge my golf cart?

Many condominium developments, hotels and private homes have exterior outlets that you can use to charge your electric golf cart.  Feel free to contact us if you are unsure whether your vacation rental will have the correct outlet.

What type of outlet do I need?

Our golf carts use the same 110 V that are commonly used throughout Costa Rica.

How do I know if it is a 110 or 220 outlet?

110 outlets are the most common type of outlet and they are almost always installed in pairs while 220 outlets are not. The 220 outlet is generally larger, black, round and has 3 to 4 slots with one of the slots set horizontally or at an angle.

Is it expensive to charge an electric golf cart?

No, it costs less than $1 a day to charge one of our electric golf carts!

What are your rental requirements?

You must be at least 18 years old and have a valid drivers license to rent and operate the golf cart. We will need your license and credit card information upon rental.

Are golf carts street legal?

Yes, the golf carts are street legal. They are each equipped with brake lights, turn signals, headlights, a horn and an energy gauge. Cars are legal but on secondary streets (Herradura Beach to Automercado)

Can I drive the golf cart on the beach?

No, you cannot drive these golf carts on the beach for any reason.

Will rain/water damage the golf cart?

The golf cart can be parked in the rain, no problem. However, when water is splashed up into the under carriage of our golf carts, they will quit moving. Be weather conscious and please do not operate the golf cart in dangerous/severe weather.

How far can you go?

The limits outside the resort are: Playa Herradura to the Automercado.

Are there any laws I should be aware about?

In Costa Rica, you must always have your drivers license on you while operating a motor vehicle. You must also have a color copy of your passport with you as well (recommended at all times).

Many road signs in Costa Rica are similar to those in the US. The one exception is the “Ceda el Paso” sign which is essentially a yield sign. When you approach a single lane bridge, you either have the right-of-way (no signage) or you must wait for oncoming traffic (Ceda el Paso).

Will my cellphone work in the area?

Before traveling to Costa Rica, contact your provider to see if they have international rates. You can also download the app WhatsApp and use this platform to send direct messages when you are connected to WiFi. Most locals and businesses are active on this app making it a great resource for those without an international phone plan.